Tenant Resources

Tenancy Application


Please note that the application above is in PDF Format. If you do not already have the free Acrobat Reader application installed on your computer, you will first need to download it before viewing this Tenancy Application.

Maintenance Request Form

  • Your Details

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Maintenance Details

Notice to Vacate

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

How to Apply for a Rental Property with Broughton Realty

Applying for a rental property with Broughton Realty is simple and it can be done online through realestate.com.au or simply pop into our office and request an application form our download the PDF form from our tenant resources here on our website. You will be required to submit a reference for your professional, employment and residential references plus ID so make sure you have those documents available to attach.

How to pay your rent

The front page of your lease agreement has all the details for your rent payments, including bank details and frequencies and start dates etc, if you can’t find them please contact us for a copy of the agreement.

Most of our tenants pay their rent weekly, by electronic funds transfer.  When you become a Broughton Realty tenant you will be given a unique tenant reference code for your property to use when making transfers so that we can easily identify the rent payments for each tenant.

Your rent must be paid in advance as per details on your lease agreement.  We do not tolerate rent arrears. If you believe that you will be late with your rent, always contact us and let us know so that we know what is going on.

There are some tenants that are continually late with payments, if we have a tenant this is consistently behind, despite all of our efforts, we will recommend to the landlord that the lease not be renewed. Please ensure your rent is paid on time every time and you are most likely to get a great tenant reference at the end of your tenancy.


Please find a tenant maintenance form here on our website or alternatively you can take a picture and email admin@brougthtonrealty.com.au or call our office on: (08) 8635 2566.